range of hearing - перевод на русский
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range of hearing - перевод на русский

High frequency limit; Hearing Range; Range of human hearing; Animal hearing; High Frequency Limits; Human hearing range; Audible range; Sound for humans; Pitch perception; Human audible range; High-frequency limit
  • pinnae]]) of a cat
  • Human hearing area in frequency and intensity. Dashed line describes possible changes due to excessive hearing strain (e.g. loud music).
  • Dolphins
  • An audiogram showing typical hearing variation from a standardized norm.

range of hearing      

общая лексика

диапазон слышимости

perceptive deafness         
  • A deaf person using a camera-equipped smartphone to communicate in sign language
  • The sign for "friend" in [[American Sign Language]]
  • alt=a female medical professional is seated in front of a special [[sound-proof]] booth with a glass window, controlling diagnostic test equipment. Inside the booth a middle aged man can be seen wearing headphones and is looking straight ahead of himself, not at the [[audiologist]], and appears to be concentrating on hearing something
  • An in-the-canal hearing aid
  • >700}}
  • 275x275px
Hearing disability; Hearing Impairment; Hard-of-hearing; Hard of hearing; Hearing-impaired; Partial loss of hearing; Hearing impaired; Hearing Loss; Impairment of hearing; Profoundly deaf; Hearing disorder; Hereditary deafness; Hereditary hearing disorder; Hereditary hearing loss; Congenital deafness; Noise induced deafness; Hearing damage; Profound hearing loss; Hearing disorders; Hypoacusis; Age Related Hearing Impairment; Anacusis; International Symbol for Deafness; Profound deafness; International symbol for deafness; Perceptive deafness; Hardness of hearing; Temporary deafness; Auditory impairment; Partial deafness; Familial deafness; Hearing disorders and deafness; Hearing problems in children; Hearing impairment; Hearing deficits; Loss of hearing; Hearing problems; LY411575; Syndromic deafness; Late-deafened; Scheibe's dysplasia; Scheibes dysplasia; Scheibe dysplasia; Cochleosaccular dysplasia; Hearing problem; Hearing Damage; Sudden hearing loss; DOHH; Bilateral hearing loss; Hearing disabilities


нейросенсорная глухота

перцептивная глухота

audible range         


Брукса хребет
(Brooks Range)

горный хребет на С. Аляски. Длина около 1000 км, ширина до 200 км. Преобладающие высоты 1500-2000 м, наибольшая высота 2816 м (г. Майклсон). Сложен породами преимущественно нижнепалеозойского возраста (известняки, кварциты, сланцы, песчаники). Глубоко расчленён долинами рек. Широко распространены древние ледниковые формы. Небольшие современные ледники. Служит водоразделом между реками арктического склона и бассейном р. Юкон. Растительность - горная тундра; характерны каменистые россыпи и обнажённые скалы.


Hearing range

Hearing range describes the range of frequencies that can be heard by humans or other animals, though it can also refer to the range of levels. The human range is commonly given as 20 to 20,000 Hz, although there is considerable variation between individuals, especially at high frequencies, and a gradual loss of sensitivity to higher frequencies with age is considered normal. Sensitivity also varies with frequency, as shown by equal-loudness contours. Routine investigation for hearing loss usually involves an audiogram which shows threshold levels relative to a normal.

Several animal species are able to hear frequencies well beyond the human hearing range. Some dolphins and bats, for example, can hear frequencies over 100 kHz. Elephants can hear sounds at 14–16 Hz, while some whales can hear infrasonic sounds as low as 7 Hz.

Примеры употребления для range of hearing
1. "Because the range of hearing varies greatly in individuals, it is possible that the teachers who do not hear this ring tone have never been able to hear up to the 17,000 range," said Stanton Jones, an audiologist at the St.
Как переводится range of hearing на Русский язык